
Five of the Most Buffed Evil Hero Profiles in the New Edition

Kia Ora, Shire-Folk, Welcome back for another stimulating  instalment of the Middle-Earth in Middle-Earth blog. As a reminder, w e talk about various thoughts, topics, games, and many other things related to the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game published by Games Workshop, better known as MESBG. As another reminder, I am no professional, but read on regardless and you might find something that you can take with you into your future hobbying. After another delay, I've decided to move to a monthly schedule! Life is crazy, and a fair amount of thought and time goes into these posts, so check back monthly for these updates! Today's post is a continuation of the previous one, but I will instead discuss some of the most buffed evil hero profiles in the new edition of MESBG. Again, you may very well disagree with my choices, and I will likely forget to mention some of the ones I should. Please let me know which character  you  think was buffed the most, or if you think any of t...

Five of the Most Buffed Good Hero Profiles in the New Edition

Kia Ora, Shire-Folk, Welcome back for another  titillating  instalment of the Middle-Earth in Middle-Earth blog. As a reminder, w e talk about various thoughts, topics, games, and many other things related to the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game published by Games Workshop, better known as MESBG. As another reminder, I am no professional, but read on regardless and you might find something that you can take with you into your future hobbying. I would like to apologise for the delay, I have just started my career as a teacher, and finding myself with very little free time at the moment as term kicks off. I will try to maintain weekly updates, but may shift to fortnightly depending on how crazy things get, so remember to check back occasionally when you can! In today's post, I wanted to bring up some of the most buffed good hero profiles in the new edition of MESBG - this was intended to be both good and evil profiles, but there were far too many to mention, so we'll do evil pr...

Mistakes You Might Be Making in MESBG

Kia Ora, Shire-Folk, Welcome back for another riveting instalment of the Middle-Earth in Middle-Earth blog. As a reminder, w e talk about various thoughts, topics, games, and many other things related to the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game published by Games Workshop, better known as MESBG. As another reminder, I am no professional, but read on regardless and you might find something that you can take with you into your future hobbying. "But Brody" you might ask, "what might we learn today about MESBG from the depths of your ever wise mind?". Well how nice of you to ask, avid fan. Today we will be talking about some of the little 'mistakes' I sometimes see players make during games - although they are usually not massively  game-changing, they can help improve some little habits to squeeze a little extra effectiveness out of your plays.  Middle-management orc loves efficiency. Photo from: PigGuy1988 - Reddit Although these tips may not be news to the more ...

An Unexpected Blog Post - How to Build Lists for Teaching MESBG

Kia Ora, Shire-Folk, Welcome to a new blog, a blog set in Aotearoa New Zealand - the real Middle-Earth. Here, we will talk about various thoughts, topics, games, and many other things related to the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game published by Games Workshop, better known as MESBG. In the future, I hope to expand into including perspectives and some awesome work from the passionate members of the MESBG community. When teaching new players, it usually falls on us to build a list for them - they can build their own lists when they know what stats and rules actually mean . This post therefore focusses on building lists for newbies (and may also be useful for people reading this trying to learn the hobby for themselves), but will include some other tips and suggestions here and there. Disclaimer for this and all future blog posts: while I am solidly familiar with the rules, I am not the best player in the world, I am not the best player in New Zealand, to be honest, I might not even be t...